International co-operation

Participation of department in international scientific and practical conferences:

1.Sherbina O.V. “The usage of interactive technologies with the aim of teaching methods improvement of chemical disciplines in medical and pharmaceutical higher schools”. Proceedings of XХХV International scientific conference. “The overall development of the modern world”. USA, Morrisville,  2018.

2. Kolyada I. V. “The communicative approach as the best one in teaching foreign languages”. Materials of XIII International scientific  conference “Scientific Horizons”. Sheffield, Great Britain, 2017.

3. Коlyada І.V. “Image of Yoseph Stalin in appreciation of modern english – speaking literary criticism”. Маterials of XVI Intrernational scientific conference “Prominent Science”. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2018.

4. Кolyada І.V. “Literary image of Yoseph Stalin in various historical periods of XX – XXI centuries”. Materials of XIII International scientific conference. “Cutting – edge of science”. Sheffield, Great Britain, 2017.  

5. Kolyada I.V. “The literature in Russia under Joseph Stalin with the eyes of Western scholars”. Materials of ХIII International scientific conference. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2017. 

6. Efremov S. V. “Learning of English independently”. Materials of International scientific conference “Pedagogy and Modern Education”. Warsaw, Poland, 2019.

7. Latunova N. V., Latunov I.S. “Communicative approach as the source in the English language teaching”. Materials of International scientific conference “Modern Scientific Challenges and Trends”. Warsaw, Poland, 2019.

8. Vnukova K.V. “Autograph of painter : Symbolism of White Dove in novel of  D. Rubina “White Dove of Kordoba”. Materials of International conference “Perspectives of science and education”. USA, New  – York, 2018. 

9. Chemodanova M. F. “Information and communication technologies hardware and software use in language teaching”. Materials of XXXI International scientific conference “Science of the Future”. USA, Morisville, 2018.

10. Toryanik L. A. “Virtual resources in learning English under of influence of globalization”. Materials of XV scientific conference “Modern scientific challenges and trends”. Warsaw, Poland, 2019.  

11. Semenova L. V. “Particularities of presentation of image of woman – poetesse in lyric poetry of E. Evtushenko”. Proceedings of International  scientific journal “I – SCIENCE”. Warsaw, Poland, 2019.

12. Zhurkina S. V. “Particularities of activity of students – tutors”. Materials of XIII International Scientific Conference “Science Without Borders-2017”. Sheffield, Great Britain, 2017. 

13. Zhurkina S. V. “Analysis of development of system of tutors in Oxford and Cambridge”. Materials of XVI International conference “Prominent Science”. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2018. 

14. Zhurkina S.V. “Tutoring in higher education”. Materials of XVI International conference “Effective modern science”. Prague, Czech Republic, 2018.

15. Zhurkina S. V. “Chemistry as language”. Materials of XV International conference “Step to the future”. Prague, Czech Republic, 2019. 

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